Caring for Your Pekingese Shih Tzu Mix: A Comprehensive Guide

Caring for Your Pekingese Shih Tzu Mix: A Comprehensive Guide

Hi, and thanks for checking out “Pekingese Shih Tzu Mix: A Complete Guide” To help you take the best possible care of your Shinese, a Pekingese and Shih Tzu mix, this manual covers everything you need to know about raising this adorable and lovable breed.

Grooming, physical activity, training, dental attention, diet, and annual checks are just some of the topics we’ll cover in our comprehensive guide to Shinese care. This book is an essential reference for any owner, new or old, who wants to give their Pekingese Shih Tzu mix the best possible chance of a happy and healthy life.

The Shinese, or Pekingese Shih Tzu hybrid, is a lovely and devoted breed that needs regular exercise, nutritious food, and loving attention to stay healthy and content. This manual is an all-inclusive reference for Shinese upkeep, covering topics such as bathing, walking, running, training, brushing teeth, feeding, and veterinary visits. Your beloved friend can live a long, healthy life with proper care, including daily grooming, exercise, positive reinforcement training, dental hygiene, a balanced diet, and regular trips to the vet. No of your level of experience with dogs, this guide will equip you to give your Pekingese Shih Tzu mix the loving, attentive care they need.

About Pekingese Shih Tzu Mix

The Pekingese Shih Tzu hybrid is the perfect pet if you’re looking for a tiny, loving, and devoted animal. The Pekingese and the Shih Tzu, two popular purebred dogs, were crossed to create this designer breed, also known as the Shinese or Shiranian. The end result is an attractive and lovable companion that is also versatile. The Pekingese Shih Tzu hybrid is a favorite among dog owners all over the world thanks to its smooth coat, friendly temperament, and simplicity of care. For a devoted and loving addition to your family if you’re prepared to accept a furry friend into your home, think about getting a Pekingese Shih Tzu mix.

Purpose of Pekingese Shih Tzu Mix

A petite, devoted companion dog with qualities from both parent breeds was what breeders hoped to achieve when they crossed Pekingese and Shih Tzu. Although the Shih Tzu gives a playful and outgoing demeanor, the Pekingese brings a strong and independent nature. Shineses are renowned for being hypoallergenic, making them a popular option for people who suffer from allergies. They make wonderful flat dogs since they are able to adapt to many living situations. Shineses are a wonderful choice for novice dog owners because they are very simple to train and devoted to their owners. In general, the goal of breeding a Pekingese Shih Tzu hybrid was to produce a charming and sociable companion dog that is simple to care for and offers its owners unending love and company.

History of Pekingese Shih Tzu Mix

It is a relatively young breed that originated in the United States, the Pekingese Shih Tzu hybrid does not have a well-established history. The Pekingese and Shih Tzu breeds were likely bred together to create the hybrid in the late 20th century. A long time ago in ancient China, both parent breeds were highly prized. Shih Tzu was bred as palace security dogs, whereas Pekingese were raised as lapdogs and companions for the Chinese imperial family. The Shinese is a small, devoted companion dog that was produced via the crossing of these two breeds and possesses positive features from both of its parents. A hypoallergenic, simple-to-care-for dog that offers its owners a lifetime of love and friendship is now a common choice, and the Shinese is one of them.

The Appearance of Pekingese Shih Tzu Mix

A Pekingese-Shih Tzu hybrid may look different from one offspring to another, depending on the features they take on from their parents. Even yet, they tend to be on the little side of robust, with a short nose and large head. Their eyes are usually a deep brown color, and they may have wide, round pupils. Several physical traits shared by Pekingese Shih Tzu mixes are listed below.

  • They can range in size from 8 to 20 pounds and 6 to 12 inches in height.
  • Their coats can be either short and dense or long and silky. Black, white, brown, gray, and cream are just some of the colors available for this coat.
  • Face They have a wide, wrinkled forehead, huge, dark eyes, and a short, snub muzzle.
  • Their bodies are strong and sturdy, with short legs and big chests.
  • Their tails can be either straight and dangling or curling and resting on their backs.

What Should a Pekingese Shih Tzu Mix Be Given in Terms of Nutrition?

A well-balanced diet that satisfies their nutritional needs is essential for the continued excellent health of a Pekingese Shih Tzu mix. Depending on their age, weight, and degree of exercise will determine how much food they require. In general, feed a Pekingese-Shih Tzu mix the following:

  • Choose high-quality dog food: Choosing high-quality dog food means looking for ingredients like whole grains, veggies, and high-quality protein sources. Stay away from dog food that has fillers, byproducts, or artificial ingredients.
  • Feed small: more frequent meals may be preferable to one or two substantial meals for Pekingese Shih Tzu mixes due to their small stomachs.
  • Keep an eye on their weight: Pekingese Shih Tzu hybrids are prone to obesity, so it’s crucial to keep an eye on their weight and modify their diet as necessary.
  • Avoid table scraps: Avoid giving your dog table scraps because they may be high in calories and fat and may disrupt their digestive tract. Maintaining a balanced dog food diet is ideal.
  • Provide fresh water: Make sure your Pekingese Shih Tzu mix has access to clean, fresh water at all times.

Diet Plan

Breakfast1/3 to 1/2 cup of high-quality dry dog food
Lunch1/4 to 1/3 cup of high-quality dry dog food
Dinner1/3 to 1/2 cup of high-quality dry dog food
SnacksSmall pieces of cooked chicken or vegetables as occasional treats

10 Best Interesting Details About Pekingese Shih Tzu Mix

10 Best Interesting Details About Pekingese Shih Tzu Mix
  • Stubborn Personality: A stubborn personality can make training challenging for Pekingese Shih Tzu mixes, despite their caring and devoted disposition. To promote positive behavior, it’s crucial to approach training with patience and encouragement.
  • Moderate Intelligence: Pekingese Shih Tzu hybrids have a moderate level of intelligence and are capable of picking up new skills fast with the right training. Nonetheless, they occasionally oppose orders due to their intransigence.
  • Affectionate and Loyal: Shineses are well renowned for being loving and devoted pets to their owners, frequently following them around and cuddling with them.
  • Moderate Exercise Needs: Low-intensity exercise is sufficient for Shineses, but they do need daily walks and playtime to stay healthy and content.
  • Stubborn Personality: Shineses have a tendency to be independent and stubborn, which can make training difficult if it isn’t done patiently and with encouragement.
  • Moderate Intelligence: Shineses have a moderate level of intelligence and can pick up new skills fast with the right instruction, yet they may have a stubborn side that makes them unresponsive to orders.
  • Barking Tendencies: Shineses have a tendency to bark and can be fairly vocal, which might make them effective watchdogs.
  • Extended Lifespan: Shineses can live up to 12 to 15 years with adequate care, giving their owners many years of love and friendship.
  • Mental Stimulation: Shineses thrive in homes with plenty of time and attention to dedicate to them since they require mental stimulation and attention to prevent boredom and destructive actions.
  • Mental Stimulation: Pekingese-Shih-Tzu hybrids require mental engagement and attention to prevent destructive boredom. Being social creatures, they need their owners’ company and can develop separation anxiety or destructive tendencies when left alone for too long.

How to Train Your Pekingese Shih Tzu Mix

The Shinese, often known as a Pekingese Shih Tzu hybrid, has a long, flowing coat that needs frequent grooming and maintenance. Here are some suggestions for maintaining the health and beauty of your Shinese:

  • Brushing: Daily brushing is necessary to prevent matting or tangling of your Shinese’s coat. Gently comb through the fur with a soft-bristled brush, paying special attention to the regions behind the ears, beneath the legs, and around the tail.
  • Bathing: Shineses don’t need to be bathed too often. Use a gentle dog shampoo while bathing your dog, and only when required. Rinse well to remove any residue that can irritate your skin.
  • Nail trimming: To keep your Shinese’s nails from getting too long and causing discomfort or suffering, trim them every few weeks. Employ dog-specific nail clippers that are razor-sharp and refrain from cutting the quick, blood vessel that runs through the nail.
  • Dental care: To avoid dental problems, brush your Shinese’s teeth frequently. You can use toothpaste made especially for dogs as well as a toothbrush with soft bristles.
  • Ear cleaning: Since shineses are prone to ear infections, it’s crucial to frequently clean their ears. To remove any dirt or debris, use a cotton ball or soft cloth along with a mild ear-cleaning solution.
  • Eye care: To avoid tear stains, wipe the area around your Shinese’s eyes with a wet cloth. Consult your vet if your dog’s eyes seem red or irritated.
  • Professional grooming: If you want to give your Shinese a trim and maintain their coat looking healthy, think about taking them to a professional groomer every few months.

Overall, your Pekingese Shih Tzu mix can be a happy and healthy companion for many years to come with routine grooming and care.

Is Pekingese Shih Tzu Mix the right dog for you?

Your lifestyle and personality will determine whether a Pekingese Shih Tzu mix is the appropriate dog for you. Shineses are excellent companion dogs for anyone looking for a caring and devoted friend since they are attentive and devoted to their owners. They work well in flats and are flexible to various living situations, making them a fantastic option for people who live in limited places. However Shineses need regular maintenance to retain their long, flowing coat, so if you can’t commit to regular grooming sessions, this breed might not be for you. To keep them from becoming bored and engaging in disruptive behavior, they also need daily exercise and mental stimulation. The Shinese may not be the breed for you if you lead a busy life or lack the time to devote to dog care.

Suitable For:

  • Individuals seeking a little, devoted companion dog that is simple to teach and adaptable to many living situations.
  • Allergy sufferers should avoid the Chinese because it is believed to be hypoallergenic.
  • People or families who can provide the dog with frequent exercise and mental stimulation and who have relatively peaceful lives.
  • New dog owners who are prepared to dedicate themselves to routine grooming and training sessions to safeguard the dog’s wellness.

Not Suitable For:

  • People with hectic schedules or those unable to dedicate themselves to providing the dog with frequent mental and physical stimulation.
  • Those who won’t commit to routine grooming sessions to keep the dog’s long and flowing coat in good condition.
  • Families with young children might not be able to handle the dog’s small size and delicate disposition.
  • Who likes an independent and less affectionate dog breed.

Grooming and Care

For your Dog to remain healthy and attractive, grooming and care are crucial. These are some general pointers for taking care of and grooming your Dog:

  • Brushing: Frequent brushing will help to remove mats, loose hair, and other debris from your Dog coat. Moreover, brushing helps the skin and coat stay healthy and distributes natural oils all over the fur. The breed and coat type of your pet determines how frequently you should brush them.
  • Bathing: Giving your Dog a bath will help get rid of odors, filth, and grime from their coat. Rinse well after using a mild Dog-specific shampoo and conditioner to remove any residue that can irritate the skin. The breed and degree of activity of your pet determine how frequently it should be bathed.
  • Nail trimming: Frequent nail trimming helps prevent overgrown nails, which can be uncomfortable, painful, and the source of numerous health issues. Employ Dog-specific nail clippers that are razor-sharp and refrain from cutting the quick, blood vessel that runs through the nail.
  • Dental care: Maintaining a regular dental routine will help you avoid dental problems including tooth decay, gum disease, and poor breath. Use toothpaste and a toothbrush made specifically for dogs to frequently brush your Dog teeth.
  • Ear cleaning: Cleaning the ears regularly might help stave against ear infections and ear mites. To remove any dirt or debris, use a cotton ball or soft cloth along with a mild ear-cleaning solution.
  • Eye care: Proper eye care can help stave off infections and other issues with the eyes. To avoid tear stains, wipe your Dog eyes and surrounding area with a moist cloth. Consult your vet if your Dog eyes seem red or irritated.
  • Flea and tick prevention: Employ a flea and tick prevention solution that has been suggested by your veterinarian to shield your Dog against infestations of fleas and ticks.

Exercise Requirements

Maintaining your Dog physical and mental wellness requires exercise. Your Dog exercise needs will vary depending on its breed, age, and general health. These are some general recommendations for exercise:

  • Consult with your veterinarian: Contact your veterinarian before beginning any fitness regimen for your Dog to make sure they are healthy enough for it and to decide the right amount of time and intensity for exercise.
  • Exercise your dog every day: Most dogs need at least 30 to 60 minutes of activity each day. This can include going to the dog park or engaging in activities like walking, running, or fetch.
  • Adjust exercise to breed: Breed-specific demands should be considered while choosing an exercise program. For instance, breeds like Bulldogs and Pugs don’t need as much exercise as Pekingese Shih Tzu Mix.
  • Consider age: To prevent damage, puppies and older dogs may need less exercise or reduced activities. Puppies should wait until their bones have finished developing before engaging in high-impact exercise.
  • Make it fun: Make fitness enjoyable for both you and your Dog by involving them in their favorite activities. Swimming, hiking, or playing with toys and games are examples of this.
  • Pay attention to signs of fatigue: Take attention to fatigue warning signs, such as heavy panting, sluggishness, or refusal to move forward. If your Dog seems warm or exhausted, stop exercising.

In general, exercise is crucial to preserving your Dog health and well-being. You can keep your Dog fit, healthy, and content by giving them the proper exercise.

Mental Needs

Mental stimulation is just as important for your Dog well-being as physical exercise is. In order to satisfy your Dog mental demands, try the following:

  • Give your Dog toys: Giving your Dog toys is a terrific method to stimulate his or her mind. Choose toys that are suitable for the size, age, and playing preferences of your Dog. For keeping Dogs mentally stimulated puzzle toys, interactive toys, and toys that can hold goodies work particularly well.
  • Training: Training sessions are a terrific method to cognitively challenge your Dog and to deepen your relationship with them. It can be enjoyable and mentally exciting for your Dog to get basic obedience training, trick training, or agility training.
  • Playtime: Interactive play is a great approach to pique your Dog interest. Games like tug-of-war, fetch, and hide-and-seek may fall under this category.
  • Socialization: Interacting with other animals and people may keep your pet’s mind engaged and active. Opportunities for socializing can be helped by frequent trips to the dog park or playdates with other pets.
  • Environmental enrichment: Introducing your pet to novel and fascinating situations helps keep their minds active. This can entail creating a new obstacle course for your dog to navigate during walks or taking your dog on a different route.
  • Mental challenges: Scent games, hiding toys or treats, and obedience games are just a few of the mental exercises you may do with your Dog to keep their mind sharp.

For your Dog general well-being, it’s crucial to address their mental demands. Your Dog will stay happy, healthy, and cognitively bright if you give them enrichment and stimulation.

Common Health Issues

Common Health Issues

The Pekingese Shih Tzu hybrid, often known as the Shinese, is susceptible to some health problems, like all dog breeds. Here are some typical health problems to be on the lookout for:

  • Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome: Shineses have breathing problems because of their short snouts, which is known as brachycephalic airway syndrome. Particularly during activity or in warm temperatures, this can result in respiratory issues like snoring, wheezing, and difficulty breathing.
  • Patellar Luxation: The kneecap slipping out of its usual position is referred to as patellar luxation. It may result in discomfort, lameness, and difficulty walking.
  • Dental Problem: Shineses are susceptible to dental conditions such as tooth decay and gum disease. Proper dental care, such as tooth cleaning and giving dental chews to your dog, can help to prevent these problems.
  • Eye Problems: Shineses can develop eye conditions such as cataracts, dry eyes, and progressive retinal atrophy. Frequent veterinary examinations can aid in detecting and treating these problems early.
  • Skin Allergies: Allergies to certain Shineses’ fur or feathers can cause hives, redness, and even skin infections. These issues can be avoided or better managed by eating well and keeping oneself neat and tidy on a regular basis.
  • Obesity: Shineses are prone to being overweight, which can cause a host of medical complications. A dog’s weight can be kept in check with the right food and activity.

Knowing about these challenges can help you avoid or better handle them. Taking your Pekingese Shih Tzu mix to the vet frequently and practicing preventative care will go a long way toward ensuring its long, healthy life.

Causes and Symptoms

Health IssuePotential CausesSymptoms
Brachycephalic Airway SyndromeShort snout, narrow nostrils, and other structural abnormalities of the airwaySnoring, wheezing, and difficulty breathing, especially during exercise or in hot weather
Patellar LuxationGenetics, injury, or overuseLameness, difficulty walking, pain, and reluctance to put weight on the affected leg
Dental IssuesPoor dental hygiene, genetics, or dietBad breath, tartar buildup, gum disease, loose or missing teeth
Eye ProblemsGenetics, age, or injuryCloudiness, redness, discharge, squinting, difficulty seeing
Skin AllergiesGenetics, environment, or dietItching, redness, hair loss, skin infections
ObesityOverfeeding, lack of exercise, or geneticsWeight gain, difficulty breathing, lethargy, joint problems

Personality and Temperament

Shinese dogs, a cross between Pekingese and Shih Tzu, are beloved for their warm personalities and boundless energy. They are devoted companions that thrive on human love and devotion. They are known to be very protective of their owners and their property and will sound the alarm at the first sign of danger or an unfamiliar person. Shineses are high-energy dogs that love to run around and play with their owners or other pets. They may need time to themselves to nap or recuperate, though, and they have been known to exhibit a streak of independence. When properly socialized, their mild demeanor and sensitivity make them excellent family pets who get along with kids and other animals. They can be resistant, making training more difficult than usual, but positive reinforcement techniques usually yield the best results. Anyone in search of a loving, devoted, and energetic canine friend will find plenty to love in the Shinese.

Is the Pekingese Shih Tzu Mix Affectionate?

Undoubtedly, the Shinese, often known as a Pekingese Shih Tzu hybrid, is a typically friendly breed. They appreciate being near to, cuddling, and spending time with their owners. Shineses are noted for their strong family ties and love to be the center of attention. They like participating in all family activities and frequently accompany their owners around the house. Because of how affectionate they are, if left alone for a long time, they may experience separation anxiety. Shinese dog owners must therefore provide their dogs with enough mental and social stimulation to keep them happy and content. Overall, the Shinese breed is a kind and loyal one that may be a superb companion for anyone looking for a loving and faithful canine.

Are they Aggressive?

The Pekingese Shih Tzu hybrid, often known as the Shinese, is not a breed that tends to be aggressive. In fact, they are renowned for being kind and empathetic. Shineses can be very protective of their family and home, and they will occasionally bark to warn their owners of impending danger, but they are often not hostile to outsiders. They can, however, exhibit aggressive behavior like any other dog if they perceive a threat or if they have not received the correct socialization. Remember that a dog’s temperament is influenced by both heredity and environment, so socializing and training them from a young age is crucial to ensure that they are well-behaved and secure among people and other animals. Overall, as long as they are handled with kindness and trained properly, Shinese is a loving and kind breed that is not prone to aggression.

Is Pekingese Shih Tzu Mix Intelligent?

Is Pekingese Shih Tzu Mix Intelligent

With the correct kind of training and socialization, the Pekingese-Shih-Tzu mix, also known as a Shinese, maybe a bright and quick-witted companion. One or both of their parents could be independent and obstinate, like a Pekingese, or eager to please, like a Shih Tzu, which could affect how well they learn and adapt. Training approaches centered on rewards and encouragement, as opposed to punishment, are the key to unlocking their brilliance. The Shinese is very trainable and adaptable, capable of learning not only basic obedience commands but also more complex ones like agility, tracking, and tricks with the right kind of continuous training and socializing. Their amiable disposition makes them ideal candidates for therapy dog training. However keep in mind that every dog is different and may have various learning abilities, so it’s crucial to modify the training method to fit the specific requirements of each Shinese. The Shinese, as a breed, is highly intelligent and responsive to training, and it responds well to the correct kind of care and attention.

About Barking

The Pekingese Shih Tzu hybrid often called the Shinese, has a tendency to bark and can be rather noisy. They might bark to warn their owners of imminent danger or unfamiliar people, or they might just bark to express their needs or wants. Yet if it’s ignored, excessive barking can develop into a problem. When they sense any potential threats, Shineses can become quite protective of their family and house, which can lead to continuous barking. In order to address this habit, it’s critical to start socializing and training children early in life and to give them lots of mental and physical stimulation to keep them busy and content. Since positive reinforcement training encourages desired behaviors and discourages undesirable ones, it can also be beneficial in eliminating excessive barking. Moreover, giving your Shinese a ton of attention, playing, and exercising can help them stop barking too much. Overall, the Shinese breed exhibits a lot of barking, but with the right training, socialization, and care, it is manageable.

Best 20 Names of Pekingese Shih Tzu Mix

Here are the best and most suitable names for your Pekingese Shih Tzu Mix:

  • Charlie
  • Peanut
  • Gizmo
  • Mimi
  • Biscuit
  • Teddy
  • Bella
  • Sammy
  • Sophie
  • Winston
  • Toto
  • Luna
  • Ziggy
  • Simba
  • Tinkerbell
  • Oliver
  • Daisy
  • Coco
  • Lola
  • Jack


A Pekingese Shih Tzu mix puppy’s price might change according to the breeder, the area, and the demand, among other things. A Pekingese Shih Tzu hybrid puppy will typically cost between $500 and $1,500. The price of a puppy is just the start of the costs that come with pet ownership, it’s vital to remember that. The price of veterinary services, food, grooming, toys, and other consumables should also be taken into account.

Table of Quick Breed Summary

Breed NamePekingese Shih Tzu Mix
NicknameShinese, Peketzu, Shih Tese
SizeSmall (typically 8-12 inches tall and 8-20 pounds)
CoatA long, silky, and dense coat that requires regular grooming
TemperamentAffectionate, loyal, and can be stubborn or independent
Exercise NeedsModerate exercise needs, including daily walks and playtime
Training NeedsPositive reinforcement training and early socialization
Health IssuesEye problems, respiratory issues, and joint problems
Life Expectancy12-15 years
Barking TendenciesCan be quite vocal and have a tendency to bark
IntelligenceCan be intelligent and quick learners with proper training
AffectionateKnown for their loving and affectionate nature
AggressivenessGenerally not aggressive, but may become protective of family
Mental StimulationNeed mental stimulation and attention to prevent boredom


Taking care of a Pekingese Shih Tzu mix can be a wonderful and fulfilling experience, but in order to provide them the best care possible, it’s important to understand their special needs and traits. The numerous facets of care for your Shinese have been covered in detail in this thorough guide, from grooming and exercise to training and socialization. Daily exercise and playing can help keep them healthy and happy, while regular grooming can help preserve their rich coat and avoid skin problems. Early socialization and positive reinforcement training can make sure they grow up to be confident and well-behaved around people and other animals. Shineses can be prone to certain health conditions, so it’s also crucial to keep an eye on their wellbeing and handle any potential problems early on. Ultimately, by giving your Shinese the necessary love, care, and attention, you may create a friend who is joyful and healthy and adds companionship to your life.

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